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technology,information technology,technology definition,technology articles,technology advancement


 The concept of technology is broader than just computers and engineering.

 As technology touches everything that people do every day, whatever their personal interests,

 Technology can be defined as a branch of knowledge that depends on the innovation process.

 And the use of modern technical means and linking them with daily life, society and the surrounding environment, 

By relying on industrial arts, engineering, and applied sciences, 

and pure science. Technology can also be defined as a way to accomplish a task through the use of various technical means and methods and knowledge.


information technology,
information technology,

The impact of technology has become very significant on the educational process

 Since the introduction of the Internet, many colleges and graduate programs have created online learning platforms,

 This made the number of students taking online lessons large, 

Technology also encourages people to innovate and increase their collaboration in learning. 

Among the things that technology provides for education are the following:

 Availability of degrees and certificates online 

(English: Online Degrees). The availability of curricula on the Internet, so the study time can be organized according to personal circumstances (in English: Anticipated Study). Availability of modern resources and sources

 (English: Modernized Resources). The impact of technology on health There are many effects of technology on human health, including positive and negative ones.

                                                                                                    The most important of these effects   can be enumerated  as follows :  

 [1] Technology makes people lazier: This is a result of the constant entertainment in people’s hands, but technology does not make people    lazier when used in the right ways.

 As technology allows users to access more information than they can imagine with just a click of a button. Screens affect people's vision:

 As many people suffer from eye discomfort after using a screen for more than two hours continuously, but not only the eyes that may be affected by using screens, screens may also affect each of the head, neck and shoulders,

 This depends on the person’s position while using the screens of different devices. If a person needs to spend at least 8 hours a day in front of a screen, the following tips should be adhered to to reduce eye strain: According to the 20-20-20 rule, 

Take a 20-second break from the screen every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away from the person. Reduce the brightness of the screen glow. Sit about an arm's length away from the screen

 At an appropriate distance when using a computer screen. Increase the text size on devices to facilitate display of content. Impact on the lives of families: Technology contributes to making each member of the family spend most of his time alone, away from the rest of the individuals.

technology definition

[2] Technology between the past and the present, it can be said that everything changes with the passage of time, as most things are now going in different ways than they were in the past decades, as most people have now become dependent on technology, and the most important aspects that differed from Where technology between the past and the present is:

[3] Communication: 

Communication operations were previously dependent on snail mail, as it was common among friends to correspond via lazy mail, and to write letters manually with postage stamps on them, and the method of correspondence in mail is a slow and useless method, but nowadays The means of communication became more useful and faster, as the communication time was shortened from several days to mere minutes.

Numbers are tight and people nowadays are addicted to email, text messages, video chatting, fax, instant messaging and other technologies that allow people to communicate with each other without having to hunt for a mailbox. Transportation: In the past, transportation was impractical because horse-drawn carts 

Ships were the most practical means of transportation. However, all modes of transportation today benefit from speed, safety and convenience, for example through the use of modern cars or aircraft and the like. . entertainment

Art was the best entertainment in the past, but now all the modern entertainment options like movies, TV, video games, and mobile applications are available.