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family dog,best family dog ,best family dog breeds,family dog rescue,cane corso family dog,family dog art,ace family dog

 Do you know anything about the family dog?

best family dog
best family dog

Although the appearance of the animals varies greatly, each dog 

 From Chihuahuas to Great Danes - it belongs to the same species 

The term "domestic dog" refers to any of the hundreds of dog breeds 

in the world today. Although the animals vary widely in appearance, 

every dog ​​— from Chihuahuas to Great Danes — belongs to the same species,

 Canis familiars. This distinguishes domestic dogs from wild dogs

 such as coyotes, foxes, and wolves.

Pet dogs are mostly kept as pets, Although many strains are able to survive independently, 

Whether in the forest or on the city streets. According to a 2016 Consumer Insights Study, 

One in three households worldwide own a dog.

Domestic dogs are mostly kept as pets, although many breeds are able to survive independently,

 whether in the woods or on city streets. According to the 2016 Consumer Insights Study, one in three

 households worldwide owns a dog. This makes the domestic dog the most popular pet in the world.

cane corso family dog
cane corso

Whether in the forest or on the city streets. According to a 2016 Consumer Insights Study, 

One in three households worldwide own a dog.

Domestic dogs are mostly kept as pets, although many breeds are able to survive independently,

 whether in the woods or on city streets. According to the 2016 Consumer Insights Study, one in three

 households worldwide owns a dog. This makes the domestic dog the most popular pet in the world.

Upgrading and evolution in strains 

All dogs are descended from one type of wolf, not the gray wolf
 (Canis lupus)as many think. Indeed, DNA evidence suggests
 To that now extinct wolf,
It is the ancestor of the modern dog, it was Eurasian. However , 
All dogs descended from one species of wolf, not the gray wolf (Canis lupus)
 as many think . In fact, DNA evidence suggests that the now-extinct wolf,
 the ancestor of the modern dog, was Eurasian. However, 
scientists are still trying to understand exactly what species gave birth to dogs.

family dog

It's also a mystery when dogs diverged from their wild ancestors. 
It's also a mystery when dogs diverged from their wild ancestors,
 but genetics suggest it happened between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago.
While it is impossible to say exactly how wild wolves became domesticated dogs, 
Most scientists believe the process was gradual as wolves became
 more comfortable around humans.
Perhaps the wolves simply went down this path by eating human remains.
after several generations, 
Humans may have encouraged wolves to approach by actively feeding them. Later , 
While it's impossible to say exactly how wild wolves became domesticated dogs,
 most scientists believe the process was gradual as wolves became more
 comfortable around humans. Perhaps wolves simply
 went this route by eating human remains. Many generations later,
 humans probably encouraged wolves to come closer by actively feeding them.
 Still later, these wolves may have become popular
 with human families and eventually bred to promote certain traits.
 All of this is thought to have happened for thousands of years

 What is the dog breed?

Many of the dogs you know and love today are the result of selective breeding
Among individuals with desirable physical or behavioral characteristics. 
For example, about 9,500 years ago, ancient people began to breed dogs
that were better at staying and working in the cold. The dogs that became the sled dog family remained 
— which includes breeds like huskies and huskies — relatively unchanged to this day.
Similarly, humans bred German Shepherds for their cattle-herding abilities, 
and Labrador Retrievers
 To help collect ducks and other prey
 , B-type hounds and sausage-shaped dogs to shoot dachshunds because of their ability 
On chasing badgers in their burrows. Many other varieties have been created to satisfy other human needs, 
Such as home protection and pest control. Certain breeds were also created to make dogs more attractive as companions. For example,

cane corso family dog
cane corso

 How do we live with dogs? 

He loses his life for you, and you must also know that he is a very sensitive being, and if you do not initiate him with the same feeling, he may become depressed.  
lose lives
Most dogs are mixed--a 2015 study estimated that only 5 percent were 
Most of the dogs in shelters are purebred. Just like dogs come in all sizes,
 shapes and colors,
These animals come in a wide variety of temperaments. Pit bulls can look fierce 
Most dogs are mixed—a 2015 study estimated 
that only 5 percent of dogs in shelters are purebred.
 Just like dogs come in all sizes, shapes, and colors,
 these animals come in a variety of temperaments.
 Pit bulls may look fierce but are as cute as kittens, 
while adorable cocker spaniels won't hesitate to bite your finger.

family dog

For this reason, animal handling expert Jack Hannah recommends that children be taught 
Always be careful around dogs they don't know. For example ,
 He said children should ask the dog's owners for permission
 before attempting to pet the animals
or play with it. Reaching out also allows the dog to get to know 
a new person before placing their hand behind their head
 He can't see what you're doing, which can make the dog nervous or anxious.
For this reason, animal handling expert Jack Hanna recommends
 teaching children to always be cautious around dogs they don't know. For example, he said children should ask permission from dog owners before attempting
 to pet or play with animals. Holding out a hand also
 allows the dog to get acquainted with a new person
 before putting the hand behind their head where they 
can't see what you're doing, which can make the dog nervous or anxious.

 Never allow a child to put their face close to a dog's nose.